I love to experiment, iterate and build premium experiences.
I make premium web designs, mobile apps, logos, graphic designs, motion graphics etc.
I am the Founder of Illusive Adroits
Thank you in advance for your time.
This is just an introduction & self-explanatory page of mine, but there's so much I do that can't be put all together in one piece.
ES5 / ES6
Make life easier: jQuery, Zepto, underscore.js
WebGL: Three.js
Canvas: paper.js, D3.js
Animation: TweenLite / TweenMax, Velocity.js
MV* Frameworks: Backbone.js, AngularJS, React
Package manager: Npm, Bower
Dependencies injection: AMD (requirejs), CommonJS (browserify)
build tools: Grunt, Gulp, Make
features detection: Modernizr
Tests: Jasmine, PhantomJS
Preprocessors: LESS, SASS
Modular: SMACSS, BEM
PHP: Cake PHP, Wordpress
Python & Ruby
Version control: Git, SVN
Adobe creative suite: Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign, ...